Twelfth Night 302

This week we return to the classic romantic comedy, Twelfth Night, to talk about the recent production at the American Shakespeare Center (directed by the amazing Jenny Bennett) and how it's a great example of how queering your casting and production concept can unlock new takes on a well-known, popular play. We also gossip about Jess's experience at the recent Early Modern Trans 2 Conference, as well as questionable choices made by a certain theatre company for their ill-fated production of Romeo & Juliet. Bottom line, when in doubt: queer it up and say NO to Nazis.

Here’s what we featured in our Happy Hour segment:

  • Aubrey’s rec: Circe by Madeline Miller

  • Jess’s rec: If at all possible, get back to in-person conference attendance. It’s good for the soul!

Here’s what we talked about in our ShakesBubble Gossip segment:

  • Nataki Garret’s response to NPR article

  • Podcasts & Feminist Shakespeare Pedagogy by Varsha Panjwani–free to download!

  • EmoTrans2 Conference