Troilus & Cressida 201

Well, we hope you like feminist rants, because that’s what most of this episode devolved into. In this 201 we go off on Troilus and the rest of the men of Troilus and Cressida to interrogate why the Greeks and Trojans hinged all of their masculinity and self worth on Helen and Cressida’s status as chaste virgins. We also take a brief birdwalk to examine the folio text of this play to check an odd prose-to-verse switch in act 3 scene 2. Finally, we dust the cobwebs off of a favorite game, Line Roulette, and find out why a line about Achilles’ Mermidons cries encapsulates this entire play full of whiny boys.

Here’s what we featured in our Happy Hour segment:

  • Aubrey’s rec: A-A-R-F animal rescue organization

  • Jess’s rec: Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

Here’s what we talked about in our ShakesBubble Gossip segment:

  • Ummm…Jess got a Shakespeare tattoo?