The incomparable Molly Seremet returns to get us through Jess's least favorite play in the whole canon, Troilus and Cressida. (#Blessed) The Rhetorical Device of the Week is synecdoche; Molly's Burbage Break is all about the metonymic space of tents in this play (#metonymicspaces); we talk about the weirdness and cynicism of this strange, unclassifiable play and some of its print and production history; the ShakesBubble Gossip includes plans for a bachelorette party (#bejealous); and our #DickBracket reveals the winner of the last match up between Pericles's Antiochus and Revenger's Duke. Oh, and Aubrey mouths all the sound effects this week and everyone learns the names of our future sex tapes. For reasons. You just have to listen. #yourewelcome