Jovial Crew 101

The characters in Richard Brome’s play A Jovial Crew do exactly what most of us cannot in this ‘Rona Age: they go cavorting about in large groups! In Public! So we use this play to get out a little cabin fever of our own. We invite you to Meet the Contemporary, Richard Brome, about whom the only thing we really know for sure is that he was Ben Jonson’s #1 Fanboy; we play a new game - BYO Crew - to help us think about our own “Jovial Crew”; and we have tons of fresh ShakesBubble Gossip. We hope the Merry Beggars of A Jovial Crew brighten your day. #stayhome #washyourhands

Here are the links from this week’s ShakesBubble Gossip:

  1. Hidden Room’s “German Puppet Hamlet” Der Berstrafte Brudermord

  2. The article about Shakespeare’s newly-revealed collaborator, Thomas Watson.

  3. What Shakespeare Actually Did During the Plague (New Yorker article)