The White Devil 101

In our first 101 episode in…a while…we take a minute to remind you of who the F* John Webster even is (spoiler: he’s the creepy, dirty, mouse torturer from “The Documentary” Shakespeare In Love); we give you a good old-fashioned short-is summary; we bring you A Taste of Text (and some dumbshows) from The White Devil; Jess and Aubrey each pose some lingering quandaries we have about the play; we launch our new feature, Keeping Up With the Queen’s Men, to tell you all about Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay from the Queen’s Men’s repertory; we gossip some and we laugh a lot. All this and more, so get ready! We’re diving into Webster’s The White Devil like there’s no tomorrow!

Here’s what we recommended in this week’s Happy Hour feature:

Here’s what we featured in our ShakesBubble Gossip segments: