Othello 202: American Moor

This is our inaugural 202-style episode, reserved for plays adjacent to or adapted from one of Shakespeare’s, and what better play to start with than Keith Hamilton Cobb’s American Moor! Since it is a “new” play (i.e. one we’ve never discussed before in depth on the pod), we give you some key 101-style features like a dramatis personae, a brief summary, and a taste of text; however, we also assume you’re already familiar with Othello (a source text for Moor) and launch into a deeper discussion of the play the way we would for a standard 201-style episode. Ergo, a “202.” We hope exploring American Moor enhances your understanding of Othello and vice versa. Go add it to your bookshelves now!

Here’s what we recommended in this week’s Happy Hour feature:

Here’s what we featured in our ShakesBubble Gossip segments: